



You can create boxes to put words, techical terms, sentenses and verbs inside.

The creation of boxes can be manual or authomatic: you can create custom boxes or managed by the program with words taken from the inner vocabulary.

The program extracts words at random, letting you to train and learn them, by writing the right translation.


The boxes are extensible, unlimited in number and with infinite capacity.

The boxes will be archivated by name, number of words, date of creation and last update.

During the test words will appear in a random way one by one: you have to write the right translation.

Go on by pressing ENTER of CONTINUE

If you do not remember the translation you can push "SHOW HELP"  botton. A suggestion will appear.

When you are wrong, to continue push "CONTINUE" botton to try again or "GIVE UP" to go behond without complete the translation of the word.

The word you did not know will appear again after four words to let you revise and store it in your mind.

Everything here is simple and elementary. A random mechanism will you allow to store hundreds of new words useful to improve a new language.

At the beginning of the study test the programm will ask if you want to consider the accents: just for perfectionists! The test will become more and more difficult but with compliments!

All the words you use will be copied, divided into two different boxes: in one the words you have memorized, in the other those you have not learnt jet. So you will be able to go deeper in those words you find it difficult to store in your mind.

Simply brilliant, isn't it?